Palantype DE

Type as fast as you speak

Missing a language? Checkout the source on Github to create your own Palantype-style steno system.
Maximum typing speed
Reach a typing speed of up to 300 words per minute, fast enough to type along as people talk.
Type chords, not letters
Input whole words or word parts with a single stroke using multiple fingers at once. This is why it's so fast and why it requires a lot of practice.
No special hardware
You will need a keyboard that supports N-key roll-over, to register all the keys that you press simultaneously, and optionally an ortho-linear key layout.
Free and open-source
Find the code on Github and contribute by reporting bugs and requesting features in the issue tracker.
Want to reach out? Join the Plover Discord Server and find me in #palantype, @gurubm.

The technology

Obsidian Systems Obelisk
Functional reactive programming for web and mobile—a sublime experience, find the code on GitHub.
Let the JavaScript be generated and stay type-safe and functional all the way, cf. GHCJS on GitHub.
Category theory, lazy evaluation, purely functional programming since 1990. Read more on Wikipedia.